Position:Associate Professor at the Department of Geology and Mineral Prospecting, Dnipro University of Technology (National Technical University “DniproPolytechnic”)Academic degree: PhD (Geol.)Academiс title: Associate Professor Contacts Address:49000, Dnipro, 19, D.Yavornitskogoav., Building 7, aud.401 Email: zhyltsova.y.v@nmu.one Iryna V. Zhiltsova graduated from the Geological Prospecting Department of Dnepropetrovsk Mining Institute inspecialty "Geological survey, prospecting and exploration of mineral deposits" and received the qualification ofmining engineer-geologist in 1985. From 1985 to 1998 she worked as a geologist at the Dnepropetrovsk Central Geophysical Expedition. From 1998to 2001 she workedas an engineer of Problem research laboratory (PRL-1) at National Mining University(now - Dnipro University of Technology). From 2001 to 2004 she was apostgraduate student at the Department of General and Structural Geology. Since 2004 she still works at the Department of Geology and Mineral Prospecting. In 2004 she defended Ph.D.thesis on the topic «The regularities on localization of hydrothermal gold mineralization of green-stone structures in the Middle Predniprovie (Ukrainian shield) concerning the fault systems» and received the degree of candidate of geological sciences. In 2005, by a decision of the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine, she was awarded the title of Associate Professor at the Department of Geology and Mineral Prospecting. Since 2005 she works as an Associate Professor at the Department of Geology and Mineral Prospecting. She has developed lecture material and conducts classes in disciplines: “Geology of mineral deposits”, “Structures of ore fields and deposits”, “Industrial types of non-metallic mineral deposits”, “Geological and economical evaluation of mineral deposits.” In teaching these disciplines, she uses personal experience in practical and research activities. I. Zhiltsova participates in elaboration of teaching materials for students, such as the workers programs, thematic plans, guidelines and assignments for monitoring students' knowledge of the specified courses. I. Zhiltsova has 36 scientific publications, including 22 in professional publications, and 8 areguidelines that are used in the educational process. She is a co-author of 1 monograph and 1 textbook - "Ore microscopy with the basics of technological mineragraphy". Research interests: metallogenic specialization of deep fault zones; hydrothermal deposits of precious metals; structural and tectonic factors which сontrollocalization of hydrothermal deposits. |